
Ah, Fiesta San Antonio 2009!

I had a good time with my familia last Sunday at the Fort Sam Houston Fireworks show. I didn't get to do Oyster Bake this year, due to financial issues. I did, however, participate in PiƱatas in the Barrio where I was signing posters I had designed for the event. I got a chance to speak to the crowd, my second time this year so I think I am warming up for performance when the time comes for my music...wink wink.
Anyways, we went to the grocery store before the fireworks show and we were checking out. This bagger was there and he was getting a bit confused on how to arrange the bags in the cart, so he said,"Sorry my mind isn't all there today." I replied jokingly, "Fiesta time huh?"and he then said, "No, my nephew was murdered last night, 2 guys stabbed him to death. But the criminals were caught." I felt like big time crap after that. He was distraught but it didn't really show on the outside. He was talkative, he explained what had happened and he stayed strong the whole time, even came in to work. I know he is the uncle, but still I give him credit for coming to work and trying to stay focused. Something to keep his mind off the situation I guess.
So I gave him my condolences and prayers to him and his family and left. So the rest of the day and a little into the Fort Sam Houston event, I was just thinking of how selfish and inconsiderate I was to not be thinking of how others are dealing with their lives besides having fun and celebrating like some of us were. I took the time to just think and pray. After a while, I got back to being with my family, because fortunately and with the Grace of God, I have been blessed to be around and celebrate together with them. That through God, we have maintained a strong relationship as a family. Gracias a Dios for all that you have brought forth, whether good or bad, it has binded us much tighter than we were before.

I feel we should face the problems and challenges that are brought forward to us, but not face them alone, we need to face them with faith in our Lord. He will get us through if we are willing to let Him take control and show us the way. Yes, it's tough especially when it involves death and family, but without faith, it would be tougher.
The bagger was a humble man and my prayers go out to him and his family. He was strong emotionally and I pray that he was strong spiritually that with faith in God, he was able to move forward in life alongside the Lord.

God bless.


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