When The Children Cry


Last night I went to play basketball with my cousin, brother-in-law and 2 of our friends. We played at one court in the westside and didn't do so well (kind of rusty after not playing for a month, i know excuses lol). So then we went to another court further into the westside. We pulled up and I get out of the car and I see these two young women in a truck and about 3 or 4 kids running out towards the playground (by this time it is already dark). One woman yells at the kids, "Get your a**es back over here!!", but they kept running off. So she yells a second time, "Okay, then go on and get f***ed up!! and get lost in the f***in creek!!!". I was walking to the court while this was happening and looked back to see if she was gonna just leave them, but they just stayed in the parking lot and the kids just went to the jungle gym to play. Then we get to the court and there is this pavilion to the side and about 4 or 5 teens sitting and talking, I'm shooting around and suddenly I get this strong whiff of Marijuana. I practically could've gotten high by the smell it was so strong, my eyes felt like they were burning from smoke (not exaggerating).
Seeing all this, made me feel sorry for those little kids who just wanted to come out and play, not cause trouble. But their parents are over there cursing them and older kids are nearby doing drugs. I thought, what an influence. I pray the Lord be with them always and that He send them an angel to help guide them and inspire them positively in life so that they don't head down the wrong direction.
I know I get impatient at times with my kids and that my discipline is tough. I don't want them to be unappreciative or disrespectful for what they have or don't have and towards their parents or others around them. I want to be a role model for them in all aspects of life and I want to help them build their faith in the Lord so that they may learn that with Christ, they can get through life when they confront satan's temptations. Although I am tough with my kids, I show them more love than anything, and they show it back with their smiles and laughs (and of course dog piling on daddy! lol). They are my everything, and I want them to enjoy life.
But seeing what I saw last night, made me think again of those who are unfortunate and who need some guidance and positive reinforcement.
God is speaking to me, both through the Bagger encounter at the grocery store and through the experience I had last night. I feel the need to minister to those in need of some spiritual guidance. I'm not sure how, but I have trust in you Lord to help point me in the right direction.
I'm hoping to get my music done quickly and I'd like to prepare for performance at churches to get the Word of God out.

I wrote a song on my New Leaf album, called "Chidren Cry" and this fits the situation I came upon last night and I'd like you all to listen to the lyrics and hopefully it'll shed some light and inspire some of you out there. I will post it on my MySpace site. www.myspace.com/seedzoffaith

God Bless.

- Mt.17:20 -


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