Determination, Patience and Discipline

To get everyone on the same page:
Last year in May, Sandy and I took the kids to the Witte museum, they had this scale that measured your weight and gave a comparison to how much beef that equaled to. Jesus jumped on and of course was a lightweight, not much beef..haha. Then I jumped on and was shocked by the numbers :( I was 267 lbs.!! I knew I was heavy, but the last time I had checked my weight, I remember I was 227 lbs.
Not only that, but my feet started hurting alot and I was slowing down big time on the basketball court. This was my signal to do something about my weight or later pay the consequences. I had gotten injured playing basketball in March the previous year and I was out for 6 months, during that period is where I believe I let myself go.
So since May of last year to now, I weigh 238 lbs!! I went through rehab for my injury, then I had given up sodas for lent and have given it up for good since. I started a workout program to get myself back into shape to play in a basketball league this year, I did very well but when the season began I decided to resign. Reason being that my cousin and I have been organizing basketball nights every Saturday, we hit our 1 yr. anniversary in June. So I was more into playing every Saturday night than driving 45 minuted every weekend to play one game and come back home.
Playing on the weekends and the workout program helped me get back into shape and running condition. I can feel the difference and it's a good feeling.
Now just recently at work, they started a weight contest and everyone participating put some money into a pot as a reward for the one person who lost the most percentage. So I've increased my workout regiment and have new goal of cutting down my weight even further. The contest ends the end of this month of April, just in time for two 3 on 3 tournaments I'm signing up for in May and June.

Sorry for the long story, just wanted to be sure you understood what I'm about to say next:

All this has reminded me that if I can set a goal and be determined, patient and disciplined than I could do the same for Christ. I can set a life goal to be determined to follow in His footsteps, to love as He loved, to forgive as He forgave. I can be patient with the obstacles I run into in life, that He is there for me always and that I cannot always expect a sign or change to come quickly. I can be disciplined to go to Church and hear His Word, and to celebrate with my family and community.
I strayed away from the Lord a while back and when I was saved and returned to Christ, it was such a great feeling. Now I catch myself starting to go off course again, and losing sight of my goals. It is the same situation with my weekly workouts, if I go off course, I will start to gain my weight back, I will begin to slow down once again and hurt. So by going off course spiritually, I risk losing focus on life, and feeling hurt once again without having God in my life.

If we can set goals in our lives, no matter how big or small, than we should be able to set a goal for God. To serve Him and to serve others, to spread His Word and His love. Yeah, there are obstacles in our lives that will try to throw us off course, but we need to be Determined, Patient and Disciplined to get through these obstacles.
Whether you have reached your goal and getting close to it, it feels really good seeing the difference, and that should be enough fuel to get you going on setting more goals for God and yourself.

I pray that the Lord can get through to all of us, to provide us the Spiritual support we need to achieve our goals in life. I pray that we can work together as family and friends to help support our loved ones around us and those we don't know, who are in need of not only our help but God's help as well to set new goals in life. That we can strengthen our Determination, Patience and Discipline in our lives to be able to succeed in our goals. Amen.

This verse means so much to me and always motivates me in my life:
Matthew 17 Verse 20
And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

Take care and God bless


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