
Here is my first official blog for today. Actually I took this from my MySpace blog and thought I'd bring it over here to share with everyone. Just a little insight on our relationships with our the people we call "friends" in our lives and the relationship we should have with the greatest friend in life, Christ.


I visited a church last night to see my little sister-in-law perform a dance and skit for the youth in the service. It was a very beautiful performance and God has truly blessed her and her friends and I pray that he continue to bless them as they grow in their personal and spiritual lives.

The theme at the church was Friends and the 7 qualities that make a true friend. We all have friends we call Best or Close, almost like family. But look hard and see if these friends have the 7 qualities that were noted.

F - Faithful: Is your friend truly faithful and loyal to those around them and in their lives?
R - Respectful: Does your friend show respect to others, to you and themselves
I - Inspiring: Is your friend a good inspiration by the things they do in their lives?
E - Encouraging: Does your friend give encouragement for things that are good? Do they encourage you to do what is right?
N - Nice: Is your friend a great person to be around?
D - Dedicated: Does your friend show dedication in their life? Dedicated to getting a job done, to serving God?
S - Saved: Is your friend saved by Christ? Do they KNOW Christ or is Christ only an acquaintance in their life?

These attributes can help you determine if your friend is worthy or in need of help to become a close friend to Christ. Are you a good friend to others in YOUR life? Don't surround yourself with bad friends, but at the same time, pray that these bad friends come to know Christ so that they may turn and become good friends.

Always know that your greatest friend is Christ, always there for you no matter what the situation you are facing. This should be a calling to you to become a better person in your life, to serve others and to serve Christ, to be a good friend.

Reject Satan by avoiding his attempts of giving you encounters with bad friends, defeat Satan by helping these bad friends to find God and Christ by your own living example. Be Faithful, Respectful, Inspiring, Encouraging, Nice, Dedicated and Saved!!

After hearing this theme at the service, it brought up the song I wrote on my New Leaf album. The song is called "The Walk". It sends a message to those who don't know Christ, it talks about how Christ has always been there for me in my life and how good of a friend He is and always will be. That the sacrifice He made in His life was for us and that we owe it up to Him to try and live and love like He did and take the Spiritual Walk with Him in Faith.

I will post the song up for a while for you to listen and think about your relationship with your friends, family and Christ.

God bless,

Seedz of Faith


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