Well, it has been a while since I last posted, sorry for that y'all (yes, I'm

Today's post is about teamwork.

I entered two 3-on-3 tournaments since my last post. We didn't do to well on both tournaments, but the guys on my team played for the love of the game no matter what the outcome and I couldn't ask for a better group of guys with that kind of attitude going into this thing. One of the players has played in as many tournaments as I have and the rest was their first time playing alongside with us.

Although we only won one game out of 4 in each tournament, the guys did very well playing together and trying to better understand how to play the game as a team rather than a run and gun type of streetball game. I was very proud of every one of their efforts.

I have one more tournament to go, although this time it will be an alumni tournament at my high school. I wish I could have my guys run with me, but I get that opportunity on Sat nights when I play ball with my fam and friends.

So with all this have happened, I got to realize that I have something to blog about and relate back to faith ;) (oh yeah!!)

After the tournaments were over I realized our relationship with God has much to do with the same experiences I had playing with my team.

In life, we can't always win in every situation that is brought to us, we sometimes come out losing majority of the time. But it is whether we worked as a team with the Lord that determines if we truly failed or succeeded. Yes, we can say we have God on our side, but if really don't have Him in our hearts and involved in our lives, then how can we expect to overcome our life's challenges victoriously.

When we lose in certain situations, do we become sore losers and separate from our Spiritual team? Or do we take the loss as a lesson learned and to better strengthen our relationship with the Lord?

Yes, my team didn't win all the games, yet we grew stronger individually and smarter as we got to know each other better through each game. That doesn't necessarily mean we should win EVERY game, just that we should be able to build our relationships much more.

And those games we won, just showed us how that strength we build can bring along success, that no matter what, somewhere in life, we will be victorious.

Just as Christ proved to us during His life. Although he couldn't WIN the hearts of everyone in the world, He was able to build a stronger relationship with God and at the end, won the ULTIMATE victory!

So to all those out there looking to win in life, don't always expect it EVERY TIME, and don't let it cloud your mind.

When you lose, learn from the lessons taught and build yourself back up mentally and spiritually. Don't give up.

When you win, learn to appreciate that which helped you to victory and continue to work positive as a team with God.

Hope this was insightful, inspirational and worth the wait from the blog drought :P

Take care and God bless!


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