IGNITE 2014 - Youth Concert at Santo Niño Catholic Church (San Antonio, TX)

What's up SOF peeps! We had an awesome time this past weekend IGNITING the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who came out to this great event. Big shout out to Fr. Anthony and the Youth Group as well as all those involved in the parish who came together and helped put this event together under a short time frame. Another shout out to our brothers in Christ who came out to perform that evening: The Uncut Diamondz, The Symbol, Nate Gicano, C2Six and Blessed 1 (and also a heartfelt vocal performance by Chris). Everyone had a great time, the food was exquisite!! Filipinos know how to throw down..AMEN!!! Y'all be sure to check out the artists on their websites and on Facebook. For those who missed out on this show, be sure to check out the videos of our performance in the VIDEOS section and take a look at some photos from the event below. Thank God for this ministry he has bestowed upon us and thank you all for your prayers, love and support. One love and God bless!!


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