God was calling me this whole time and I never answered the phone, I kept sending Him to my voicemail. It took some angels of God who I love dearly, to give me His message and now I will answer Him. For quite some time now, I haven't gone to visit the Lord at His house. I was afraid to accept what I believe He has planned for me. I think God has had enough of me putting my answer off and with my stalling. He has given me many obstacles and signs that have pretty much driven me towards Him. God, I believe I am ready for your will. Whatever you have planned for my life, I will accept with open arms. Lord, I AM READY, your prodigal son has returned: --I have recklessly forgotten Your glory, O Father; And among sinners I have scattered the riches which You gave to me. And now I cry to You as the Prodigal: I have sinned before You, O merciful Father; Receive me as a penitent and make me as one of Your hired servants.-- Christ had called me once and I answered, like he did with Peter ...