Laredo 2016

The day we had been planning on and waiting for has finally come and gone, and too soon it felt, but every moment was well worth spent being with our young brothers and sisters in Christ at Sacred Heart Children's Home. They are growing so fast, amazing how three years just flies by. We had a larger group join us and much more support than last year's event. We pray these moments spent together will last a lifetime for these beautiful children of God. The whole goal of our ministry is not only evangelizing through music but to plant our seedz of faith into the hearts of those we minister and speak to daily. I'm sure I speak for the rest of the group when I say I always take a piece of Laredo with me when I leave. I remember last year like it was yesterday and I still carry a note from one of the children in my wallet. I even remember almost coming to tears when one of them asked me last year not to leave and that they wished they could come with us or that we stayed. We are...